Incredible Pet Profiles : Tech Stack

Project: Incredible Pet Profiles 🐾

Tech Stack: The Super Squad

  • HTML - The Skeleton 🦴

    Our sturdy backbone, holding everything together, even when the cats knock it over.

  • CSS - The Fashion Designer 👗

    Ensuring our site is dressed to impress, with colors and styles that would make even the most fashionable poodles jealous.

  • JavaScript - The Magician 🧙‍♂️

    Making things disappear, reappear, and spin around just because it can. Ta-da! Now you see a ball of yarn, now you don't.

  • React - The Architect 🏛️

    Crafting elegant structures and dynamic components, kind of like building a doghouse... if the doghouse were made of code and constantly changed shape.

  • Node.js - The Party Host 🎉

    Managing the backend chaos with the skill of a seasoned host, ensuring every request is served with a smile and a side of kibble.

  • Express.js - The Butler 🥂

    Handling all the routes with the precision of a butler in a fancy mansion, making sure every guest (request) gets to the right room (endpoint).

  • MongoDB - The Librarian 📚

    Keeping track of all the pet profiles, from Mr. Whiskers to Sir Barks-a-Lot, with the diligence of a librarian who never takes a break.

  • Git - The Time Traveler ⏳

    Letting us jump back in time to fix our mistakes, because sometimes we all wish we could undo that last command... or snack.

  • GitHub - The Social Butterfly 🦋

    Sharing our progress with the world and collaborating like a pack of friendly dogs in a park. Forks and stars, oh my!

  • VS Code - The Magic Wand ✨

    Turning our chaotic thoughts into elegant code with a wave (and a lot of typing).

Bash Script to Manage Apache Server


# Enable the new site configuration
sudo a2ensite

# Disable the default site configuration
sudo a2dissite 000-default.conf

# Check Apache configuration for errors
sudo apache2ctl configtest

# Restart Apache to apply changes
sudo systemctl restart apache2

# Verify Apache status
sudo systemctl status apache2

# Check the status of the firewall
sudo ufw status
Incredible Pet Profiles : Tech Stack

About the Project:

Welcome to Incredible Pet Profiles, where every pet gets their own page to shine! Whether it's uploading their cutest photos, listing their quirky habits, or sharing their favorite treats, our site is here to celebrate the furry, feathered, and scaly members of your family.

So, put on your developer hats (and maybe some cat ears) and join us in creating the ultimate pet showcase. And remember, no matter how many bugs we encounter, there’s always a way to paw-sitively fix them! 🐾

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